Striking a balance — The project manager's tightrope between emotional detachment and emotional investment

Project Management
Work culture

Project management is a challenging discipline with many twists and turns. Leaders within change can find themselves torn between two equally valid positions on emotional investment in a project. One side emphasises the need for emotional distance to ensure rational decision-making and the ability to pivot without remorse. The other argues that genuine care and investment in a project are the cornerstones of its success.

Should project managers become impassioned advocates for their projects or maintain emotional detachment? The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

The value of emotional distance

Objective Decision Making: Emotionally distancing oneself from a project allows a project manager to make decisions based on facts, data, and a clear understanding of the project's goals. This objectivity can prevent the 'sunk cost fallacy' in which managers may pursue a doomed direction simply because of the already made emotional and financial investments.

Preventing Burnout: Emotional detachment can also safeguard against the inevitable ups and downs of the project life cycle. Managers who do not tie their self-worth and emotional well-being too closely to the project can weather setbacks more easily and ensure longevity in their roles.

key fact
key fact
key fact

The power of genuine care

Inspiring Teams: A project manager who genuinely cares about the project can serve as an inspiration for their team. This investment can foster a shared sense of purpose and increase team morale.

Attention to Detail: Managers passionate about their projects often show keen attention to detail. They're more likely to spot potential pitfalls or areas for improvement because they're deeply invested in the outcome.

Stakeholder Relationships: Authentic care and passion can be contagious. When stakeholders see a project manager who believes in a project, they are more likely to offer support and become champions for the cause.

Striking the balance

The key is to strike a balance that maximises the benefits of both emotional detachment and genuine care. Here are some strategies:

Define Clear Boundaries: While caring about a project is essential, it's equally crucial to recognise when to step back. This might mean setting specific times for 'unplugging' or regularly revisiting the project's objectives to ensure decisions align with them.

Seek Feedback: Regular feedback from team members, peers, and stakeholders can help project managers gauge whether they are veering too far towards emotional detachment or becoming overly invested.

Practice Self-awareness: Recognising one's emotions and understanding their impact on decision-making is crucial. This doesn’t mean suppressing emotions but being aware of them and using them as one of many tools in the decision-making process.

The tightrope that project managers walk between emotional detachment and investment is not about choosing one over the other. It's about leveraging the strengths for the project's benefit. By recognising each approach's values and potential pitfalls and employing strategies to strike a balance, project managers can navigate this challenging terrain with grace and efficacy.

Adam Lawrence
January 24, 2024